Tuesday, December 4

Things Could Be Worse...

Four words used to keep me from a sure drop off the edge when life was at its most inexplicable.

"Things could be worse."

I'd say it all the time and the more I said it, the better I'd feel until I was back to my homeostatic "okay." As if, somewhere in the world, there existed a small village of people with crippling medical conditions, dead relatives, terrible fathers, stress, murder, hellish jobs, and rape solely to bolster me in my most selfish moments of despair.

I can see now how I've grown because even as those words flip through my mind in a particularly foul time in my young life, they are immediately amended by God's goodness.

Sure things could be worse. I bet Job said that to himself as he wondered what gruesome plan was unfolding before his eyes. But God is not the God of "things could be worse."

Hmm. Been sinning this whole time and didn't even know it...

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Just a silver girl, sailing on by.