Sunday, July 7

Difficult Thing

I did something tonight I said I wasn't going to do, but in breaking that promise to myself, I just feel so... relieved. Still scared, still uncomfortable, still anxious, still guilty, yet there is a peace that rests below the shallowness in my surface tension in that I have people who not just CAN understand me, but want to understand me. They make the effort. So even if my great conundrum gets shot down or remains unsolved, I have these beautiful people, these men and these women, that care enough about me to ask how I am and want the full, unfiltered truth. It's a beautiful thing. A spiritual thing, surely. These kind of connections make me not only so thankful for life, but so thankful for a God who understands me and knows what I need and who I need.

This was the best weekend ever! Let's round it out, Sunday, with another good day. Please? :)

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Just a silver girl, sailing on by.