Thursday, November 4

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 1, 2, 3, & 4

Day 1
Slept in too late, so the day felt rushed, but made it to my word goal by 9 pm, so had extra time to fool around. Wrote a 250 word cushion for the next day

Day 2
Had a crazy work day, so ended up writing until 11:30 pm. Rewarded myself with a mini Kit-Kat, a mini Hershey's, and 5 rounds of Uno on Facebook

Day 3
Had another wild day, shopping for work, so wrote well into the night and finished at 12:30 am. Writing is getting tougher.

Day 4
Approaching mental breakdown. Procrastinating, crying, but will get through to meet word goal for the night, no question.

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Just a silver girl, sailing on by.