Tuesday, November 15

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 14

Day 14
Goodness, I just can't seem to get out of bed in time for... you know, morning or whatever. I met my personal word goal for the day of 2500 words written and actually was able to write a little more despite a rocking back ache, a sore throat from singing with a cold and asking, time after time, for my adorable choir to hush, and the desire to do anything, anything, anything but write today. I try not to focus on all that is still left to happen in my novel and just live, by God, in the now. Tomorrow I hope to reach the summit of 35,000 words. May not happen, but at least I will definitely see 30,000 words. Still have my fingers crossed for a NaNo-free Thanksgiving. :)

Total words written today: 2,948 words
Total word count: 28,016 words

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