Tuesday, December 7

About That Paper...

Yeah, I nailed it. Got an A on the paper, and an A in the class. Just goes to show you that with a little energy and late nights (aka early mornings), you too can write a paper that was meant to take you 2 months to create in just 5 days! :D

As I knew it would (of course), though the energy has not left me from NaNoWriMo, the creeping doubts have returned. The onslaught of people I know who were cheering me on during November want to read my novel. As in, they actually say they're excited and when will I be getting that proof copy? (like, seriously? What's up with that?)

My mind is having no part of that, saying things like:

"No one wants to read this."
"Everything worth writing has already been written."
"You're kidding yourself."
"This story SUCKS."

At which point, I take a deep breath, eat a piece of chocolate, and keep editing. I thought it would be easier when the story was finished, and I'm in no way complaining that it's done. It's just that a new set of problems have surfaced, completely alien to the first.


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Just a silver girl, sailing on by.