Sunday, November 28

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 24, 25, 26, & 27

Day 24
I wrote in between helping Mom and everybody else cook the turkeys for the Thanksgiving dinner. Wrote no extra, just daily word count.

Day 25
Wrote (heh heh, in between Thanksgiving meals) daily word count.

Day 26
Wrote daily word count, laaaaaate into the night.

Day 27
Took me an hour, but I wrote, wrote, wrote, from 1am to 2am. :)

Wednesday, November 24

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 23

Day 23
I didn't write the daily word goal for the day, but just wrote to the suggest daily word count, using my extra words of yesterday as a cushion for today. It was a busy day, friends. :)
Word count: 38,337 words

Tuesday, November 23

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 22

Day 22
I made myself write extra for getting up late. So I ended up writing 2,339 words today!! WHOOM! I'm feeling good about getting so close to the end. It's almost over, friends...
Word count: 37,439 words

Monday, November 22

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 20 & 21

Day 20
Finished writing at one thirty in the morning. Don't remember much else, 'cause it was a short day. :)

Day 21
Took a nap, so got behind on homework (which took till 10 pm to get finished). Wrapped up the writing at 2:30am after watching the AMAs and an episode of 24 with Lauren. Also, I suck at writing action scenes.
Word count: 35,006 words

Saturday, November 20

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 17, 18, & 19

Day 17
Had a test, so wrote late at night again, around 1am. But better news, I focused so hard that I was able to write all of my words in 1 hour! It was incredible! (And once again accomplished with the music of JYT)

Day 18
Wrote all my words, despite going to see the midnight showing of Deathly Hallows. I wrote almost all my words before departing the house at 6pm, with only 300 words left, which I wrote as we sat waiting to get into the theater. :)

Day 19
Wrote little bits at a time, after sleeping in waaaaaaay too much (got up at 3:00pm) because of how tired I was from the night before. Got finished at 2:10am and wrote extra words! At this rate, I'll be back on track by the time Nov. 30th rolls around. 199 words behind.
Word count: 31438 words

Tuesday, November 16

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 16

Day 16
Once again, I wrote like a normal human, finishing up at 8:45 pm with extra words (hurray!). Hopefully, the midnight release of HP won't interfere with my writing on Thursday. I'm going to have to work extra hard not to fall behind more. 630 words behind.
Word count: 26,036 words

Monday, November 15

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 14 & 15

Day 14
The writing was slow, even though I got a little cushion word count done at 12 pm. Stayed up till 2:30 am. Tomorrow will be different, hopefully.

Day 15
Wrote early today (if early can be considered before midnight xD) and finished at 10:30 pm. Finally, I get to go to bed like a normal person. :) Wrote extra too! I treated myself to some pumpkin mousse with chocolate cake and ice cream as a reward for being such a good girl and for reaching the halfway mark. 926 words behind.
Word count: 24,074 words

Sunday, November 14

Blood Pledge Inspiration

I've been mentally living in the beautiful fantasy land of Ilikarr for 14 days now, and it got me thinking about the inspiration for each of my story ideas. So I decided to puzzle it out before I forgot the thought entirely (with me, it only takes about 10 seconds).

Blood Pledge
I'd say the underlying theme of Blood Pledge is to really explore the issue of control. Penna's struggle begins when she is taken out of control by a being that is truly evil to the core. But when Penna had control in the beginning, she was clearly not making the most of it, so the argument then becomes, is she worthy of having that control restored?
The story was largely inspired by Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine's Cinderella masterpiece and my first delving into the fantasy genre. Ella's entire struggle is for control and what she can do within the boundaries that have been set, hoping one day to break through her restrictions. For Penna, it is the opposite. She has free rein in the beginning and her freedom is slowly taken away from her until she is completely at the mercy of her counterpart, Brialyn. GCL's work really got me to take that extra step into the literary world, to not only write something, but to think about what I was writing, to consider the characters as people instead of playthings--though they are fun to play with!

Thunder's Cry
Shannon Hale's fantasy books, mainly The Goose Girl and Book of A Thousand Days, really gave birth to this idea, suddenly and powerfully. I was writing a poem, avoiding my homework, and it was about the stars and how they look to weary travelers on the way home after a long, hard day. Silly, childish stuff. And then, my mind just jumped to the conclusion that there was a girl in the sky. A girl who could call down the rain. A girl who was trapped and most importantly, a girl with a story.
Tera is the main character, and a girl after my own heart. Her vivacious wit and fortitudinous nature is truly incredible to write and even just to ponder. This book deals with the issue of power. Gio, the villainous mage of the story, is drunk with the power he possesses, using it to take what he wants without regard for others, and in the end, it is what destroys him. Tera, who he kidnaps to be his bride, is the opposite. She recognizes the control she has over others and uses it to help, rather than hurt, even when it costs her more than she wishes to give.

My silly stories, which are just for the benefit of my Fictionpress readers (all 3 of you!), 43 Kisses and The Fast Lane are simpler. The Fast Lane arose out of the desire to complete a goal (a desire that failed to provoke me into writing at all--a year and a half and still only three chapters!) for once in my life, but 43 Kisses was inspired by both my love of and  Eulogies and Post-It Notes Can Change The World! by Imaginary Parachute, who is an authoress of epic proportions. It's still on the back-burner though (and turned on low).

Okay, that was fun.... Now off to do real stuff, like my NaNoWriMo writing and my take-home exam that's due tonight at midnight. Aah, school, way to suck the fun out of my life...

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 13

Day 13
Found out that the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack helps me focus in a way that other classical music does not (so sorry, Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach. You been beat by a Frenchman.) Wrote all my words in just over two hours. 1392 words behind.
Word count: 20,274 words

Saturday, November 13

NaNoWriMo, Day 12

Day 12
Met my word count goal at 4am and got about 300 words caught up. Super tired, but pleased with today's work. 1421 words behind.
Word count: 18,579 words

Friday, November 12

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 9, 10, & 11

Day 9
Wrote only my daily word goal, no extra. Took a long time to finish it, so got to bed around 2:30 am. Work tomorrow! :(

Day 10
Couldn't write, too exhausted. Only wrote half of my daily word count and hit the sack at 1 am.

Day 11
Wrote my daily word goal and a little extra after sleeping in WAY too late today, so the morning's writing potential was squandered. 1778 words behind...

Tuesday, November 9

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 6, 7, & 8

Day 6
Did not catch up today with less than 200 words of writing. Still feel crappy. Luckily my TOM is almost past and it won't come back until December, at which point I'll be long finished!

Day 7
Wrote a whopping 2,692 words, but am still not caught up entirely. Only a bit behind and proud of myself for working so hard and keeping up with school.

Day 8
Wrote 1,800 words, so only 1000 extra words to go until the word count is back on track. Need to start writing earlier in the day because daily word goal is starting to be met later and later in the wee small hours of the morning. Not good!

Saturday, November 6

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 5

Day 5
Going to bed with only 982 words down. I was very ill today, so I let myself break Commandment #1 and #6 of the Wrules of Wrimo. I'm too tired to worry about this right now. I need to sleep so I can catch up again tomorrow. Good night

Thursday, November 4

NaNoWriMo Log, Day 1, 2, 3, & 4

Day 1
Slept in too late, so the day felt rushed, but made it to my word goal by 9 pm, so had extra time to fool around. Wrote a 250 word cushion for the next day

Day 2
Had a crazy work day, so ended up writing until 11:30 pm. Rewarded myself with a mini Kit-Kat, a mini Hershey's, and 5 rounds of Uno on Facebook

Day 3
Had another wild day, shopping for work, so wrote well into the night and finished at 12:30 am. Writing is getting tougher.

Day 4
Approaching mental breakdown. Procrastinating, crying, but will get through to meet word goal for the night, no question.

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Just a silver girl, sailing on by.